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Friday, September 6, 2013

January 6, 2013

Love has no Gender


God is Love, we are told.


The Creator in all of Her holy names creates all of life, plants animals, humans, as well as everything in our universe. The more I learn about this immense Creation the more awesome the Creator becomes in my mind.


He creates the sweet potato and the dandelion as well as the lily and the rose. She creates each and every one of us, the Jew, the Italian, the African, the Asian, the Russian, the Indian, the Muslim…He loves all of his creation, and He instructs us to Love one another as She Loves us.


If you think you have created your children, think again. Just like the lower animals and the plants, we propagate, we don’t create life.


We enter this realm of three dimensions through the womb of zero dimensions, and depart it into the next realm of yet higher dimensions.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labyrinth II

                                      August 31, 2013

Labyrinth II


I finally walked my labyrinth today.

like driving a tortuous mountain road

so convoluted

requiring total concentration

to avoid driving over the edge.


Walking the labyrinth clears

the mind of fears and worries and

the preoccupations that dwell upon the mind

which leave no room

for reflection, rumination, joy.


Meditation, a spiritual journey

far beyond all reason.

Many have taken this journey.

The pagan

 long before Jesus,

long before Moses,

long before any written word,

long before the spoken language,

experienced his spirituality,

in awe and fear

the birth of religion.

The journey continues…



 our study of this physical universe.


 our understanding of our spiritual universe.

Neither negates the other,

because they are in and of

two entirely different realms.

Understanding one realm thoroughly

does not make an expert, or an authority

of the other.