The Nature of Gravity
As perceived by
Harold Gower
Have you ever been to a carnival where
there is a ride that is a revolving cylinder? It holds about 20 people, who
walk in to it and arrange themselves around the perimeter. Then when the carnie
throws the switch the cylinder begins to rotate and as it picks up speed the
riders feel themselves being pressed against the wall of the cylinder, and
suspended with nothing to hold them but the centrifugal force of the turning
cylinder. Demonstrating Newton’s 1st law of motion, an object at
rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion until an outside force acts to change its
speed or direction. In this case it is the friction of the rider’s feet
with the floor that starts them moving, and it is the wall of the cylinder that
forces them to change direction. It is the same force at work in the centrifuge
in chemistry class, and it is this same principle that causes the spin cycle on
a washing machine to work.
times, in science we make models to help us to understand and explain difficult
ideas. We make models of DNA, Atoms, Crystals, etc. we also make models of
large things like the solar system, globes of the earth and so on.
gravity involves understanding our 4dimensional universe. Since we live in a 3dimensional
world, a concept of the 4th dimension is difficult because we have
no perception of it. So it helps to
make a model that is scaled down by one dimension, and our model becomes a 2dimensional
world in a 3dimensional universe.
The 2dimensional world might
be the surface of a trampoline populated by 2D people that look like coins. And
the massive object representing the world might be a large lead sphere. When we
place the sphere on the trampoline, it causes the surface of the trampoline to
bend down into the 3rd dimension. The people (coins) being
2dimensional, have no perception of
the 3rd dimension, but they feel themselves being drawn to the
sphere. They conclude that the sphere has a mysterious force called gravity
that draws them to it. But we, being 3dimensional, can see that the sphere has
no mysterious force, but rather, the coins are sliding down the slope of their 2dimensional
space (the curved surface of the trampoline). Of course the problem with this
model is that it requires the earth’s gravity to make it work. If we take our
model up to the International Space Station (ISS), setup the trampoline, put
the coins on it, and put the massive sphere on it, nothing happens, because the
gravity from the earth is balanced by the orbiting motion of the ISS.
Remembering the carnival
ride, however, we can cause the ISS to rotate (not as fast as the spin cycle of
the washing machine of course) by attaching a couple of small rocket engines on
opposite sides of the ISS, with one pointing toward the earth and one pointing
away from the earth. The resulting centrifugal force creates an “artificial”
gravity which causes the objects inside to be drawn to the sides of the ISS,
away from the center of spin. And now we find that our model will work just
like it did down on earth.
So now we scale everything
back up by one dimension, and we have a rotating 4dimensional universe (where
time is the 5th dimension) causing massive objects to warp our 3dimensional
space into the 4th dimension, which in turn causes smaller massive
objects, like 3dimensional people who have no perception of the 4th
dimension, and rocks and apples and dust and the gas that we breathe, and even
light, to be drawn towards the larger massive objects, such as stars and
There are some excellent illustrations
of the warping of space in “The Illustrated A Brief History of Time” p.19 and
“The Universe in a Nutshell” p. 34 &
39, by Stephen Hawking.