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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Guardian

The question, “Do you Believe in Angels?”
My Guardian Angel
I knew I was not a strong swimmer, but I followed the other boys who were. They were swimming fast across Ryepatch Reservoir, which was half a mile across at this point, and half a mile from the dam. I stood and watched till they reached the other side before I had the courage to jump in. I swam as fast as I could, so when I reached the center, I became fatigued, and I was sure I was about to drown.

I said “God, if you want me to die, I am ready, but if you don’t I need help”.
Immediately, I heard a woman’s calm voice which said,
“Relax, pick your best stroke and swim slowly to shore”.

I chose my side-stroke, and here I am fifty-nine years later, almost to the day.

“Believing” implies not knowing.
 I know.

Let this be your opportunity to share your own experiences.

Why me Lord