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Friday, June 24, 2016

Remind ourselves:

Time Capsule Haiku

Ever radiant…
Thirteen thousand light-years out
Adam’s fire still glows.
Remind ourselves:
Occasionally, it is good to remind ourselves
 That our galaxy is 100 thousand light-years in diameter,
 50 thousand light-years in radius,
 and that our solar system is a tiny dot located
30 thousand light-years from the center.
And that it takes 223 million earth years
 for our sun to drag us
 In one complete orbit
Around the center of the Galaxy.
On this grand scale a lifetime of 100 years
 is less than a flash in the pan.
Here is an interesting exercise:
Plot the moon's path around the sun.
To simplify the task,
Assume that each month has exactly 30 days,
 And that there are exactly 12 months in the year,
and that the moon orbits the earth exactly once each month.
Locate the positions
Of each Full Moon
And each New Moon
And each Half Moon.
And then connect the dots.

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